waffen ss officer


Temat: Stalinizm w USA zaczyna sie na dobre.
...for Bush." Slavoff was a member of a Bulgarian fascist group, and he put together an event in Washington honoring Holocaust denier, Austin App. 2.Florian Galdau, director of GOP outreach efforts among Romanians, and head of "Romanians for Bush." Galdau was once an Iron Guard recruiter, and he defended convicted Nazi war criminal Valerian Trifa. 3.Nicholas Nazarenko, leader of a Cossack GOP ethnic unit. Nazarenko was an ex- Waffen SS officer. 4.Method Balco, GOP activist. Balco organized yearly memorials for a Nazi puppet regime. 5.Walter Melianovich, head of the GOP's Byelorussian unit. Melianovich worked closely with many Nazi groups. 6.Bohdan Fedorak, leader of "Ukrainians for Bush." Fedorak headed a Nazi group involved in anti-Jewish wartime pogroms. Calosc tutaj: www.bartcop.com/nazigop.htm OE
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,4705372,4705372,Stalinizm_w_USA_zaczyna_sie_na_dobre_.html

Temat: Ziobro: Złożyłem dowód, który wykaże kłamstwa L...
Nie Junker, ale Junkier. A Junker znaczy cos takiego: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junker_(disambiguation) Junker may refer to: Junker, the landed aristocracy of Prussia and Eastern Germany Junke (Prussia), officer candidate in Prussia Junker (Russia), students of any military or junker school in Imperial Russia Junkers, a brand of aircraft of the Luftwaffe during World War II Junker (SS rank), a Waffen-SS officer candidate position JUNKER, Japanese Undercover Neuro Kinetic Elimination Ranger. An anti-SNATCHER(bioroid) group of Neo Kobe in the Hideo Kojima video game Snatcher Bengt Junker Svenska Scoutrådet member of the World Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement from 1955 until 1961 Junker is slang for an automobile of poor quality, see Lemon (automobile) or jalopy Junkers are an almost neutral faction in...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,902,67423884,67423884,Ziobro_Zlozylem_dowod_ktory_wykaze_klamstwa_L_.html

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