wanted poster


HERO WANTED 2008 - BOHATER Z WYBORU DVDRIP LEKTOR PL - AVI http://www.alltrailers.net/img/movie/hero- wanted-poster-large.jpeg Info: Format pliku : AVI Wielkość pliku: 700 mb Sz * Wys 640*336 Kompresja wideo: XVID Szyb. klatek /s : 25 Dźwięk : lame mp3 Szybkość transmisji bitów : 127 Czas trwania : 1:30:49 Liam Case, śmieciarz z tragiczną przeszłością, zostaje bohaterem po uratowaniu dziewczynki z płonącego samochodu. Sława szybko uderza mu do głowy. Kiedy zadurza się w pięknej, młodej kasjerce bankowej, decyduje się działać jak...
Źródło: laplinka.pl/index.php?showtopic=23045

Temat: The Conduit 2
...like everyone was doing something before you got there.” - Interactive elements in the environment (stuff moves, objects break, enemy knocks over soda machine for cover) - Wider variety of hostiles, some specific to a location - Atlantis: 30-foot-tall Guardians - Siberia: Robotic wolves - Differences between human soldiers, can carry any weapon (affects AI) - SEGA/High Voltage will be holding a contest: Can get your name/face on a Missing Person flier or a Wanted poster - 18 firearms from the original - Have to tune the Phase Rifle by twisting Wiimote - Deployable Turret: Set it down, control it with handheld display, can pull the trigger and have it autoaim or target manually - Regarding the AsE: “‌more puzzles and hacking minigames. It’s also a bit more of a detective tool now, we’re trying to put a lot more conspiracy objects and secrets in the environments to give you more reasons to use the ASE....
Źródło: forum.gamikaze.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1513

Temat: Express yourself!
Since people seem to have lost their brains and mine is too, I'll post a WANTED poster. :tongue: WANTED Fugitive brain. Size: About the size of a walnut. Features: Is often confused and may forget where it is. It's got characteristic scribbles on it, sings at random intervals and talks incessently. WARNING: When it senses danger, it may run. If you try to approach it, DO SO CAREFULLY. Try to lull it out of its hiding spot with music as bait, preferably a song it has been singing. Or perhaps poke it gently with a Faber Castell 2B...
Źródło: forum.nightwish-world.com/index.php?showtopic=716

Temat: Taz wanted-Pomocy!!!!!!!
podejrzewam, że chodzi o ten kawałek : SOLUCJA[/url]] WANTED POSTER #6/7: Bathroom mirror
Źródło: burnout3.konsola.pl/forum/index.php?showtopic=11659

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