water utility


Temat: Przyszłosć jaka ona bedzie...
...and then pass it on to those who follow after. The national heritage is not to sell to help the poor and enrich the rich. I purchased my copy of the book from Dymocks and these are the details:- Title is "Thirst," by Alan Snitow, Deborah Kaufman and Michael Fox, published by John Wiley & Sons, San Francisco - www.josseybass.com ISBN 978-0-7879-8458-8 THE SCAM IS WORKING - SYDNEY WATER BILLS TO RISE We are to believe that when a utility, such as a Water utility, reduces its services to the public, the costs go up! Australians will be paying more, much more, for far less services, under the great and grand 'privatisation' scams than when their government authority provided a service. Clare Masters of the Daily Telegraph reported, 18/9/07: "Household water bills in Sydney are set to spike by $100 next year and will increase more with Sydney Water claiming they will be in the poor house without the...
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