wave field synthesis


Temat: Programming languages for AUDIO (and other)
...can imagine. E.g. the game for my Midibox Sofa is programmed in PD. There are great collections of addon libraries ("externals") you can use. E.g. GEM is for graphics and video (OpenGL based) and PMPD is a physical modelling library, it´s used in the game for creating gravitation and physical reflection. If you know what you want and some of the mathematical background, the possibilities of this system are endless - wierd sound effects, convolution reverb, wave field synthesis, any kind of effects or synthesis methods, creating and modifying video depending on midi or audio input etc. FYI, in winter I started creating a MBSID-compatible VSTi with MAX/MSP. When it´s finished, I´ll release it as PD, so people could try out the synthesis before building the real thing or add extra voices for sequencing when needed. At the moment, the sound engine already has the same features, only the WT sequencer is missing and...
Źródło: midibox.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4766

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